are not born knowing what they should do or how to conduct themselves
any more than they are born knowing how to talk, walk or do anything for
that matter. Parents need to guide their children, and children need
that guidance to learn to make sense of the world.
1- Love
unconditionally. Remember why you brought your kids into this world.
Choose to say yes to them as often as possible. Remind yourself that you
are not your child's...
By Frankie Mullin
If you or your child are heading back to school or university soon, we're on hand to help power up the control centre.
After a summer full of sweet treats and more kicking back than swotting up, it can be a challenge to get your
brain back in gear as the new academic year swings round in
September. So, if you or your child are heading back to school or
university soon, we're on hand to help power up the control...
Healthy and happy relationships keep people happy and help them deal
with day-to-day issues and stress. Studies show that people with healthy
relationships are more positive and productive than others with bad
Here are some secrets to a healthy relationship:
#1 Have Realistic Expectations People are different, and no one can be
everything we want him/her to be. Your partner might have qualities you
like and others you don't. They...
By: Ola Moheb
Yes, we all are fond of eating Eid desserts; it's the best treat after the holy month of
Ramadan, especially kahk, baklawa and all other tasty mouth-watering
desserts. However, You will end up easily getting exhausted because this
kind of food will not balance the appropriate levels of energy you need to have, not just that, you will also have tenden
cies of craving for more food. So check our latest healthy tips for you in Eid....
Sun and heat take their toll on our hair and so does Ol' Man Winter with
his arsenal of storms, snow, and cold spells. Heated air adds extra
stress for our hair. Wide selections of hair care elixirs help us repair and protect our hair through the seasons. They also prevent the occurrence of hair damage in the first place. We like to help you weatherise your hair
It is best to weatherise your hair before the heating season starts in winter or...
Hair repair tools from the
experts Happy Holi everyone. It is the spirit of Holi that makes us
want to throw caution to the wind, to dab, daub and drench ourselves in
colours till we are almost unrecognizable. But if you love your hair
and are worried about the harsh metallic chemicals in the colours from
damaging your lovely curls, the silky shine, or undulating waves, we
have great tips to ensure your hair remains as gorgeous after Holi...