How Facial Exercises Can Be Good For You

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How Facial Exercises Can Be Good For You

By: May Rostom

The face contains 44 muscles most of which are connected to the skin at one end rather than bone. Facial exercises do not only smooth out wrinkles, but also help in maintaining your skin's complexion and feel. By regularly exercising these muscles, you will also relieve stress and sinus pressure around the main pressure points in your forehead and eyes therefore decreasing the amount of stress-induced headaches; alongside to relieving neck pain and stress caused by staring down at your smart phone/ laptop for hours. Facial exercises improve circulation to the skin which results in brighter, glowing skin and an enhanced overall appearance. Also, the exercises have been proved to assist the movement of lymphatic fluids through the bloodstream therefore acting as an effective detox measure to purify the skin of all the harmful bacteria and pollutants. They are known to tighten the skin and stimulate collagen production hence giving you an all-natural face lift in just a few months. No more sagging, drooping, or decreased skin elasticity by working these muscles whenever you can.


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