There are many ways to get rid of the dandruff and strengthen the
hairs from their roots. People should take the problems of hair dandruff
seriously and should adopt ways to get rid of dandruff. Different oils
and shampoos can be used in this regard and different home held
treatments can also prove to be very useful.
Every person suffering from hair dandruff looks for useful ways to
get rid of the dandruff. Hair dandruff refers to the condition of hair
when they suffer from white flakes present in scalps of the hair. These
flakes even fall down at shoulders becoming clearly evident to others.
On other occasion these flakes might be yellowish in color and they can
also release the oily secretions in the hair. Such dandruff usually
appears in the case of summer season due to lot of humidity in the air.
In winters dry flakes appear in form of dandruff in the hair. Hair
dandruff is caused when hairs are not washed regularly and their oiling
does not take place on the regular basis. There are home held remedies
and some medical treatments to get rid of the dandruff.
Hair care demand regular wash for getting rid of dandruff
Washing hairs on regular basis is very important for hair careWashing hairs regularly with a good shampoo is vital to get rid of
the dandruff. If hairs are left unwashed for long duration they become
dry and dirty. This is the best time for the white flakes called
dandruff to make their existence felt. This is because the scalps start
to shed the dead skin cells in form of dandruff when they are kept dried
and unwashed. This is why washing hairs regularly is very important to
get rid of the dandruff but one should not do over washing. This would
lead to hairs losing their actual colors and shine.
Yoghurt treatment for hair care to get rid of the dandruff
Yoghurt is found very useful for hair careYoghurt treatment is regarded very much useful to get rid of the
dandruff. Yoghurt can be used as the hair conditioner to get rid of the
dandruff. After washing hair one need to rinse them and then put the
yoghurt, rub it slightly and then leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. After
treating the hair in this way with yoghurt, wash the hair again with the
shampoo. This would help immensely to get rid of the dandruff from the
Use of baking soda and aspirin treatment for hair care to get rid of dandruff
Baking soda and Aspirin for hair care
There are some very useful home held treatments which can lead to
excellent results to get rid of the dandruff. Baking soda can be used
instead of the regular shampoo while washing the hairs. One table spoon
of the baking soda is needed to wash the hairs with it in order to get
rid of the dandruff. On the other hand Aspirin tablets can also be used
to get rid of the dandruff. This would not happen by ingesting the
aspirin tablets but by breaking two aspirin tablets, mixing it with the
regular shampoo and then adding it to the dandruff suffering hair. This
is a very useful practice if one wants to get rid of the dandruff.
Oiling of hairs for hair care to get rid of the dandruff
Hairs should be oiled regularly for hair care to get rid of the dandruff
Oiling of the hairs is very important to get rid of the dandruff.
There are various useful oils which can be used to get rid of the
dandruff. These hair oils mainly include Olive oil and coconut oil.
Other oils like almond oil and mustard seed oil can also be handy in
treating the dandruff but the most valuable oils in this regard are the
olive oil and coconut oil. Both of these oils are found helpful in
killing the dandruff and keeping the hairs in best shape.