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Why You Should Lift Weights More and Run Less

Source: iStock OK, so maybe you shouldn’t hang up your running shoes for good, but if your goal is to burn stomach fat and gain that sexy six-pack, your routine shouldn’t ignore the weight room. While burning calories may be key to dropping pounds, when aiming to burn fat, lifting proves to be the missing piece of the puzzle.  According to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, when men participated in...

Posted By HAMZARAZA2:28 AM


Unlike women, who tend to distribute extra pounds all over, men hoard all of theirs in one spot: the belly, producing unattractive love handles and the potential for cardiovascular disease and other health ailments. Unfortunately, getting rid of love handles and belly fat isn’t as easy as it is to get them in the first place. It takes a concerted effort around the clock, not just during a one-hour daily workout. But, there is some good news: a...

Posted By HAMZARAZA2:26 AM

5 Bodybuilding Exercises That Build More Muscular Arms

Guns, pythons, Old Thunder n’ Lightning — whatever you call your arms, a muscular set will definitely demand attention. Arms are traditionally one of the first parts of the body people try to build up when getting in shape, as they are right out front for everyone to see. So, it’s important, at least for some people, to pump “Rock” and “Roll” up; you know, to send a message. There are three major muscle groups that lifters...

Posted By HAMZARAZA2:24 AM

5 things women hide from their husbands

After you tie the knot, the “what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine” mentality can begin to shape your life together. However, for most women, there are at least a few things they tend to hide from their guys—even if they’ve got a tight bond. (Because hey, the men hide stuff, too!) We tapped the experts to find out what women commonly stay hush-hush about. Guilty of any of these?1. Health ConcernsIf a woman finds a suspicious mole, a lump...

Posted By HAMZARAZA2:21 AM

The 5 foods to avoid if you want a six pack

Carrying a spare tire around your belly? You're not alone: Fifty-four percent of U.S. adults now have abdominal obesity, up from 46 percent in 2000, according to a recent report in the Journal of the American Medical Association. If you fall into that category (male abs are considered fat if the waistline measures more than 40 inches), it's time to consider cutting down your consumption of these five foods:1. Refined grainsNot sure what a refined...

Posted By HAMZARAZA2:20 AM


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