The New Rules for Skin

Decades of product marketing have sold us a pretty misguided version of skin maintenance: "Clean" means scrubbing with suds until skin feels squeaky and dry; "refreshed" is using a burning, alcohol-based astringent after a shave; and "protected" is smearing on SPF when you're headed to the beach. That's no way to treat a living organism. In fact, it's the exact opposite of how you should be treating your skin. Now we know better. Experts have developed smarter, healthier skin-care practices that can make a huge difference, says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Hospital's department of dermatology. It means a 40-year-old guy today has the opportunity to have better skin than a 40-year-old guy in 1990, he says. A few daily adjustments are all that's required — and they won't include a medicine cabinet of overpriced lotions or waking up a half hour earlier to perform a routine. This is your simple guide to skin that looks and feels better.


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